Practice and Training Tests for State Assessments


In order to provide Washington State students the best online testing experience, families should become familiar with the training tests and practice tests. Both tests can be accessed through the Washington Comprehensive Assessment Portal (WCAP),

Navigate to the site then choose this option:


At the next screen, click on “sign in”:  


Select the appropriate grade level:


Selection can then be made from the list of tests including the ELA and Math practice tests, the training tests and the WCAS (Science) training tests.

*The training test is a set of sample questions within a grade level band. The questions allow students to practice using a variety of navigational tools to answer different types of questions.

*The practice test mirrors the Smarter Balance Assessments and includes the Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) portion and a Performance Task (PT). For 5th and 8th grade students, there is also a training test for the MSP Science test.

*Students may take these tests as many times as needed in order to gain familiarity and become comfortable with the online system, buttons, tools and item types. Students will learn:

  • How to scroll down and across the screen when necessary
  • How to move from screen to screen
  • How to answer multiple-choice questions by clicking on the answer
  • How to respond to drag-and-drop questions using a mouse
  • How to type in a box to respond to a writing prompt
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