CVA Student Computer Program


Program Overview: Columbia Virtual Academy (CVA) provides a limited number of used computers to CVA students. This program is designed for full-time students enrolled in five or more CVA online courses who presently do not have access to a computer. Computers come with the Microsoft Windows operating system. While no software applications are included with CVA student computers, Microsoft Office 365 applications are available to CVA students as a free download. At all times, the legal owner of the student computer is the Valley School District, the host district for CVA.

Consumables & Accessories: CVA does not provide consumables or accessories for the student computer. The computer will be issued to the student “as is.” Consumables and accessories include, but are not limited to: keyboards, mice, external optical drives, printers, other upgrades and replacement power adapters/batteries. 

Technical Support: CVA is committed to the availability of technology resources for student work. Hardware and operating system support is provided by CVA. If a student is experiencing problems with his or her computer, the parent or guardian should contact CVA for technical assistance by submitting a Support Request. Please allow 4-5 business days for a response.

Internet Safety: There is no substitute for strong supervision by the parent or guardian to assure a student’s safety while working online. Students and staff should not reveal personal information on websites, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, e-mail or as content on any other electronic medium. If students encounter dangerous or inappropriate information or messages, they should notify a parent or guardian.

Data Loss: It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to backup all data that is stored on a CVA student computer. CVA is not responsible for data that is lost or left on a student computer when returned.

Loss or Damage: Damage, loss or theft of the student computer must be reported to CVA in writing by the next school day after the occurrence. CVA may not be able to offer a replacement computer if the equipment is damaged, lost or stolen. CVA-loaned computers contain a geolocation tracking feature to help with the recovery of lost or stolen computers. By signing the attached agreement, parents are providing consent to enable the geolocation tracking feature if CVA determines the computer was lost, stolen or not returned.

Returns: Student computers must be returned to CVA at the end of each school year, upon student withdrawal from the program or upon high school graduation, whichever comes first. Failure to return the student computer in a timely manner will be considered unlawful appropriation of public funds and the borrower will be responsible for the cost of replacing the computer. Instructions for returning CVA loaned computers are included in the this support article.

How do I request a CVA student computer?

To request the loan of a computer from CVA:

  1. Verify that your student is enrolled in CVA online courses
  2. Download the attached computer use agreement
  3. Send the signed agreement to your CVA teacher
  4. Your CVA teacher will send the agreement in a support request to CVA central for processing

Please allow up to 30 days for CVA to process this agreement, pending availability of loanable machines.

Computers will begin shipping in late August.

Note:  Failure to comply with the Use Agreement will result in the termination of the student’s right of possession, and CVA will repossess the computer.

Have more questions? Submit a request