Saxon Math


For over 30 years, Saxon Math™ has been delivering proven results for students in Grades K–12. The Saxon Math curriculum has an incremental structure that distributes content throughout the year. This integrated and connected approach provides deep, long-term mastery of the content and skills called for in Washington State Standards.

No matter how well students initially learn a concept, if they are not able to retain their learning, connect it to other concepts, and apply it in problem-solving situations, they have not reached mastery. Saxon Math is designed to support the long-term mastery and applications that will make a difference during testing and in students’ future education and careers.

According to the pedagogy

  • Incremental Concepts are taught in small, approachable progressions
  • Distributed Increments are spread throughout the year, building in complexity, so that by the end of the year students have reached deep understanding and fluency
  • Cumulative Practice and assessments include concepts from the most recent lessons as well as from earlier in the year, ensuring students retain all concepts and can make connections between them

Here are Saxon-specific placement tests that can be used instead of or with i-Ready to determine the appropriate math level for students. 

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