

Student pacing is based on course start and end dates. CVA offers the following guides to help parents and teachers establish the correct pacing schedule for students.

Course Catalog Timelines

Course catalog timelines are accessed from student courses in learning plans. Lessons are divided equally for each month of the school year and consideration is made for winter and spring breaks. Course catalog timelines will need to be modified for students who are not enrolled for the entire school year.

Online Course Due Dates

Online course due dates are automatically calculated for each student using his or her course start and end dates. Students who want to complete courses early can set an earlier target end date and this action will adjust the due dates accordingly. School holidays and breaks are now excluded from activity due date calculations.

Online Course Standard Pace Charts

Most online courses have embedded Pace Charts found in the Getting Started folders. This allows students to know exactly what is expected to be submitted on a weekly basis. Student pace options include traditional, extended, or accelerated pace. Teachers assist students in modifying the chart to reflect their chosen pace. Pace charts are optional.

Personalized Pacing

CVA focuses on the mastery of learning targets rather than course completion. Therefore, course pacing can be modified to meet the needs of individual students in collaboration with teachers, parents, and students. 

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