Engage App


The Engage App is a closed-campus social media platform that can help improve a student's sense of connectedness with other CVA students and teachers. Our goal for Engage is to provide a collaborative environment to connect with teachers and other students to share meaningful information.

We recognize that many parents have concerns about social media platforms, so we created a closed-campus environment with Engage for those who want their students to experience social media in a safer environment. Like all forms of communication, there is a potential for bullying, harassment and impersonation by those who choose to misuse this valuable tool. Much like a traditional playground or classroom, social media by design makes it impossible for CVA staff to monitor every conversation in Engage. What we can do, however, is investigate reports of abuse and hold participants accountable.

Engage activity is governed by the following requirements:

  1. Align your image on Engage with your personal goals. Be thoughtful about what you share and consider how it would appear to family, friends, teachers, and fellow students. Add value with each post. It is important to substantiate ideas, but please keep messages brief and to the point.
  2. Stand behind your words. You should always take responsibility for the content you post in Engage. Be your best online – post accurate information and be accountable for what you say.
  3. Families can be helpful partners. Get your parents’ input about what information they feel should remain private and what is fine to post on Engage. You and your parents are responsible for what you do online.
  4. Using Engage is an extension of your learning environment. When you use Yammer for academic purposes, such as for a school assignment, treat the platform as a digital extension of your classroom – the same rules apply online as they would at a traditional school. For example, if you would not make fun of a classmate in English class, do not do it online either.
  5. Put your best foot forward. People of all ages sometimes act differently on social media than they would “face-to-face,” assuming that, because they are not communicating in person, they are not accountable for their actions.
  6. Pause before you post. Once a comment is posted online, you cannot later say, “never mind.” It may seem funny or harmless when you post it, but it could hurt or offend someone. As guidance, take a few extra minutes to think about whether a post will be hurtful or embarrassing or whether it could negatively affect a future opportunity.
  7. Make sure your links are appropriate. Linking to other websites to support your thoughts and ideas is recommended. However, be sure to read the entire article prior to linking to ensure that all information is appropriate for a school setting.
  8. When things go wrong. Inevitably you will post something you regret. The consequences can range from mild to very serious. There are people here at CVA that can help you deal with these issues. Reach out to a trusted teacher or adviser for help and advice.
  9. Report inappropriate content. If you run across inappropriate material that makes you feel uncomfortable, or is not respectful, tell your teacher right away.
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