Immunization Requirements


Immunization Requirements for Students in Alternative School Programs

Based upon a legal review of the immunization requirements in RCW 28A.210 regarding Home-School, Vocational Technical, Running Start, and Virtual School Students, the Department of Health has updated the Immunization Manual for Schools, Preschools, and Child Care Facilities (PDF) June 2021, to remove the language around “shared air space”. This means that starting in the 2021-22 school year, all students enrolled at a public or private school must follow the immunization rules, even if participating in an alternative school program. These students will need a completed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) and/or Certificate of Exemption (COE) on file at the school or district program and these students will need to be included in the school’s annual immunization report that is submitted to DOH. 

As a public school, ALE program, CVA must comply with the immunization requirements.

Your CVA Enrollment Advisor will provide the instructions to complete the CIS and COE forms. Please contact your Enrollment Advisor if you have any questions. 

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