Where do I begin with the curriculum?


All Subjects:

Online Courses - CVA offers a number of online courses developed by Florida Virtual Schools (FLVS), eDynamic Learning and Mawi Learning. Please contact your Teacher, Academic Advisor or CVA Support if you have any questions about the following videos.

Moving Beyond the Page

Language Arts:

CVA Language Arts - we integrated several outstanding learning resources to create a complete Language Arts curriculum. See this support article for pacing and additional information.

  • Explode the Code is your phonics-based learn-to-read program. Grades K-2 come with leveled books appropriate for each grade level. However, the first step is to determine which workbook is the best place to start your child. Look for the green, spiral bound placement test booklet and help your student complete the placement tests following the scripted testing instructions, beginning on page 9. Once you know which workbook is the appropriate level, have her start the lessons. If the set you received does not include the appropriate level, contact your teacher to request the correct workbook. Each lesson will take an average of two days to complete. The 1/2 books are review and not required. If you find your student is bored and has proven he/she know the skills but hasn’t finished the workbook, go ahead to to the next book. Your teacher is ready to help if you have questions. 
  • Bob Books are sequential, leveled readers designed to help beginning readers move from learning letters and sounds to reading words on their own. They also help students learn and practice sight words and improve their reading fluency. Use Bob Books - How It Works to begin. Start with the lowest level included in your curriculum set and when your child masters that set, move on to the next level. Contact your teacher with questions.
  • Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary builds spelling and vocabulary skills together. Look for the student workbook and answer key booklet. Each lesson includes five days and is designed to be used daily, but you can plan a schedule that works for you. Start on Lesson 1 Day 1 and go from there. Depending on your child’s skill-set and level, you will read the daily lesson to her or your student will read instructions independently. Contact your teacher with questions.
  • Ready Reading will help your child develop strong reading skills in a fun, interactive way. Ready Reading includes the Teacher Resource Book and the student Reading Instruction workbook. Watch the Ready Reading overview video for a helpful overview (note that you will not have access to the online “ToolBox” as this resource is designed for the classroom setting and not needed for our purposes). Look for a printed resource overview and pace chart for additional information and please contact your teacher if you have questions.
  • Ready Writing starts at the 2nd grade level and helps students develop strong Opinion, Informative and Narrative writing skills. Ready Writing lessons are connected to and integrated in with Ready Reading lessons. Each lesson is scheduled for 15 days. Pages A56-A57 Ready Writing Teacher’s Manual pages provides a detailed explanation of the writing pacing guide. Look for the printed overview of CVA Custom Language Arts in your box of learning materials for additional instructions on how to get started. Contact your teacher with questions.


Saxon Math:

Social Studies:

The Story of the World - Getting started is as easy as begin reading and/or listening to the CD at page 1 of the student text and following the sequence of the text. Use the provided timeline found in the course catalog as a pace guide or work with your teacher to customize the pace to your child’s needs. The first half of the consumable activity book provides complete learning opportunities with review/discussion questions, narrative summaries of content, and a variety of projects, such as map work and art/craft projects (it is not expected for all of the activities to be completed; be selective). The second half of the activity book contains student activity pages. A test booklet is also provided for a user-friendly format to check for learning at the end of each chapter. Enjoy learning the Story of the World with your child!

History Odyssey - The student guides designed to be used independently with minimal assistance from parent or teacher. History Odyssey was written without the need for teacher guides due to the subjectivity of the assignments that encourage critical thinking (i.e. there is rarely any one correct answer). Answer keys to map work are found in The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. Look for the “Letter to Parents and Teachers” immediately after the Table of Contents of the study guide for instructions on how to get started.

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