Understanding the Curriculum


CVA offers a variety of learning materials to meet the unique academic needs of individual students and families. 

Grades K-5

CVA Custom - Language Arts, Science, Social Studies

Moving Beyond the Page

K-8 Text-based Math Options

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12

Online Courses


Grades K-5

K-5 students can participate in online courses, text-based learning materials, and a mixture of the two in some cases as described in the course catalog

CVA Custom - Language Arts, Science, Social Studies:

CVA Custom curriculum is designed for parents who prefer more flexibility and freedom with planning daily lessons and integrating some of their own learning materials to meet learning goals. CVA provides a suggested curriculum guide but parents have flexibility in the implementation of the programs in collaboration with their CVA teacher. Although these materials offer more flexibility, they also involve more time and effort for parents.

CVA Language Arts (grades K-8) provides a collection of learning materials that meet language arts learning standards. 

  • Ready Reading engages students in opportunities to practice close reading strategies across a variety of genres using a consistent Read, Think, Talk, Write model. 
  • Ready Writing interweaves the writing standards with grade-level science and social studies themes to develop thoughtful, analytical writers. 
  • Bob Books(kindergarten level) for phonics-based decoding, sight words, and reading practice 
  • Explode the Code (grade K-3) is a proven phonics-based learn-to-read program that also helps students develop spelling, vocabulary, and writing skills.
  • Novel Units Literature Study Student Packs(grades 3-8) facilitate the literary analysis of two complete written works in each respective grade level. Students using grades 3-8 CVA Language Arts sets will choose at least two books from the CVA Language Arts Literature Books library to complete each school year.

Story of the World (grades 1-4) is a homeschool favorite, making history meaningful and memorable by teaching history through story and engaging activities. Each of the four major time periods taught in this sequential series provides a year's worth of history learning and hands-on activities. The historical periods are Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Early Modern, and Modern Times.  

History Odyssey Level 2 (grades 5-8) teaches history as well as organization, literary analysis, research, and writing skills through reading some of the greatest fiction and non-fiction literature in Ancient Times, Middle Ages, Early Modern, and Modern time periods. 

Moving Beyond the Page:

Moving Beyond the Page (MBTP) is an innovative curriculum for language arts, science, and social studies that is designed to eliminate the use of traditional textbooks and workbooks. Students are engaged in critical and creative thinking through exceptional fiction and nonfiction literature and through hands-on projects. Visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners alike will find activities to meet their needs. Just like the real world, subject content is interconnected. Students gain a deep understanding of big ideas such as community, cycles, interdependence, and systems. Rather than following the traditional grade-level structure, levels of MBTP are organized according to age groupings and reading/writing skill levels. Age 4-6 through Age 6-8 Age levels (grades K-2) fully integrate language arts, science and social studies and are used as complete sets only. Levels Age 7-9 through Age 12-14 (grades 3-8) language arts, science, and social studies sets can be used as complete packages or by individual subjects. Although this curriculum is unconventional, parents can rest assured that all language arts, science, and social studies state and national standards are met and exceeded. Students who love to read and enjoy hands-on learning will typically thrive in this learning environment.

K-8 Text-based Math Options:

Engaging and interactive, Ready Mathematics prepares students for mastery of rigorous learning targets. A comprehensive set of teacher and student resource books include step-by-step guidance and support needed for teaching every step of every lesson. Learning is supported by clear, thoughtful instruction, real-world problem solving, fluency practice, fun games, and helpful family letters. The success of Ready Math depends on parents delivering daily instruction. However, Ready Math can be supplemented with the online i-Ready diagnostic and i-Ready lessons to identify student learning gaps and provide individualized virtual instruction. 

Moving Beyond the Page Math is a literature-based curriculum that encourages students to investigate ideas and show their understanding of concepts through interesting projects. This curriculum provides parents with the tools needed to make learning and teaching an exciting experience. Students will use a variety of colorful math manipulatives, enjoy literature that introduces concepts in fun ways, and complete engaging hands-on activities. CVA supplies the books, lesson guides, and manipulatives kits; families provide common household materials for projects such as crayons, markers, scissors, construction paper, etc. Students who enjoy reading and completing hands-on projects will typically thrive with this curriculum.

"Saxon Math Homeschool is the nation’s most comprehensive and most thoroughly researched homeschool math program, with more than 30 years of proven success. Saxon Math for Grades K–12 is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continual practice and review, and cumulative assessment. K–3 uses manipulatives to teach basic concepts, plus geometry, patterns, and time. [Grades 4-8 and Algebra I] . . . texts prepare students for college . . ." 

Grades 6-8:

6th - 8th grade students can participate in all online courses, all text-based curriculum, or a mixture of the two as described in the course catalog.  Middle school students are strongly encouraged to participate in at least one online course during middle school so that better-informed decisions can be made regarding a student's readiness to participate in the all online course format of CVA high school. 

Grades 9-12:

CVA high school is committed to developing students who are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of college and careers. CVA high school students complete all online courses that help them learn time management skills, critical thinking skills, creativity, and the discipline to be self-guided learners - critical aptitudes for a successful future.

Online Courses:

CVA uses high-quality vetted online curriculum providers to meet course learning objectives, basic graduation requirements, as well as college entrance requirements. State-Certified teachers facilitate the courses. CVA uses Buzz powered by Agilix for the Learning Management System (LMS). Although the navigation within the LMS remains the same, each course is unique according to content and structure. 

In most cases, classes are not live so students have the flexibility to plan their own daily schedules as long as they stay on track with the assignment schedule or their personalized pace approved by the certified teacher. Discussion Based Assessments (DBA's) take place in direct communication with CVA teachers on a regular basis to help maintain academic integrity and to help teachers evaluate student progress. Student-to-student collaboration opportunities are also integrated into each course.

Students can expect to spend at least the same amount of time required for successful completion of traditional high school courses. Parents are expected to be highly involved to help students stay on track with assignments, monitor progress, provide tutoring when needed, and cooperate with CVA teachers to ensure student success.

Online schooling is not the best learning environment for every student and careful considerations should be made to determine whether or not CVA is a good fit for students. See the attached Online Course Information sheet for additional information and course samples.

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